Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Earn 3 units & volunteer at the CSULB Pow Wow!

Looking for an engaging course to complement your class schedule? Consider adding American Indian Traditional Material Culture Arts & Crafts on Thursday nights from 7:00 to 9:45 pm with Professor Craig Stone.

This course engages with the American Indian Community and the Annual CSULB Pow Wow to explore American Indian cultural expression. Meet American Indian elders, artists, singers and dancers as they share the meaning and significance of American Indian expressive culture. Explore the historical, philiophical and spirtual significance of American Indian Culture while learning to create beginning crafts/artworks.

Become familiar with the nuances, meaning and significance of American Indian music while learning about American Indian social dances and ceremonies. Students also have the option to engage in Service Learning by volunteering with the 41st Annual CSULB Pow Wow or with an American Indian cultural organization.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Need a job? The Mutlicultural Center is hiring!

The Multicultural Center is hiring one Work Study Student Assistant (beginning this Spring 2011). If you are interested, applications are now available in the Multicultural Center (F03-Room-03).
The overarching mission of the Multicultural Center is to contribute to the creation of a campus environment that is truly inclusive. That means a university which respects and affirms the equal human worth of every individual and of all distinctive groups of people.  The MCC, therefore, is a uniquely welcoming place, where one is invited to communicate across lines of culture, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, class etc.  The Center's moral and intellectual justification is rooted in the University's commitment to persons of different backgrounds, experiences, and origins.

The changing demographics of Southern California, coupled with "campus climate" issues, makes the concerns of all ethnic groups, as well as other distinct populations, of critical importance to the development of a truly multicultural university. Find out the job details after the jump.

Daily 49er: Student association responds to budget cuts, fee hikes

CSSA President & former Liberal Arts Senator Chris Chavez
Long Beach State is facing the possibility of furloughs, faculty layoffs and higher tuition as a result of Jerry Brown's proposed $1.4 billion budget cut to California's universities.

The proposed budget cuts would affect University of California schools, California State universities and community colleges. Of the $1.4 billion cut, $500 million would be taken from the 23 CSU campuses, similar to what was cut in 2009, according to Christopher Chavez, President of California Student State Association.

Although the state legislature has not yet approved the state funding, action has already begun.

Chavez went to the state capital to testify to the assembly of higher education committee Jan. 18. However, he admitted that the fight to end budget cuts for education would not be easy.