Monday, May 9, 2011

English Tutor Positions Available - 2011 Summer Bridge Program (SBP)

Summer Bridge Program (SBP) is a one-week residential/three week commuter program of courses and activities designed to prepare selected incoming EOP Freshmen for the challenges of a four-year University.  It is an academic preparatory program with an emphasis on English and math, designed to help new students enhance their academic performance at CSULB.

Participants will take courses Monday through Friday and receive supplemental instruction and tutorial services for the duration of the program.

TBD  – Training
July 23-July 30 – Residential Component/Instruction
August 1 -August 19 – Commuter Component/Instruction

20-40 hours per week, depending on Program needs/ $12.00/hour
Application Deadline: May 13

1.       Assist assigned Instructors in the instruction of courses (English) in the Summer Bridge Program.
2.       Assist in identifying the level of skills in each individual student through testing and assignments.
3.       Conduct the afternoon, evening and/or weekend group and individual tutorial sessions.
4.       Assist the Instructor in the evaluation of tests and assignments; provide input on any concerns regarding students’ progress.
5.       Collaborate with the Summer Bridge Staff in discussing particular students with whom there may be concern.
6.       Assist in the enforcement of Summer Bridge rules and regulations, both inside and outside the classroom.
7.       Attend all Summer Bridge general and instructional meetings as required.

  • Upper division or graduate CSULB student majoring in English or related subject
  • 3.0 GPA or better in subject area
  • Experience in tutoring low-income, first generation students desirable
  • Two letters of recommendation required
  • Prefer applicants who would continue as EOP Tutors during the academic year

Enquire at LA3-200 for information and application.

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